February 23, 2011

You Are My Hero

My final semester of nursing school has begun, and clinical had been going surprisingly well.  When I started this semester I was terrified of what was I, as a student supposed to do?  Would I get a bad preceptor?  Would the nurses like me?  Would the patients like having a student?  After five days of clinical, I can confidently say, “Things are going well.”  Yesterday, a nurse needed to remove a foley catheter, so I asked if I could do it.  I went into the room, introduced myself, and proceeded to remove the foley.  After I was finished, the patient told me, “You are my hero!”  It was a good feeling I got, knowing I had helped someone feel more comfortable.  It’s the little things like these that reassure me it’s all worth it.

1 comment:

Ute said...

Congrats, Josh! These are the moments that make it all worthwhile. Just like a gentle smile on an otherwise stressed patient.
Well done!