April 18, 2011

Can You Hear Me Now?

Today I had some computer trouble.  What started out as a simple problem turned into hours of not frustrating, but time consuming work.  Although I knew I had to restore to an earlier backup, it took longer than I had expected.  I had wanted to get some online schoolwork done, which was now postponed, due to my lack of internet connectivity.

Living in the 21st century, we are all "connected."  Cities are populated with computers, laptops running high-speed internet.  Even phones, which once were used used solely for verbal communication, now put access to a wealth of information at one's fingertips.  We as a society are so dependent on communication, as well as being able to access information. What if, one day, that resource is gone?  How would we function?

It's the same with people.  Communication between people is crucial to maintaining relationships with each other.  You can't expect the relationship to survive if you don't talk to each other.  I am in no way implying that I've been ignoring someone, therefore destroying a relationship.  This idea of communication came to me only as I was writing this piece.  However, the next time I'm unable to access the internet, or make a phone call due to spotty cellular coverage, the importance of keeping communication will cross my mind.


Pixel Sage said...

Speaking of communication, I've been wanting to write a blog post on James 1:19 where he instructs believers to be quick to hear, slow to listen and slow to anger. I've been taking more effort to adhere to this advice, and it truly makes a world of difference =]

Unknown said...

I really like that verse. quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger. Such good advice. Definitely keeps me more calm on the inside.

Anonymous said...

I love all the ways we can connect with people using technology. Despite that, I enjoy letter writing and meeting friends in person over a nice cup of coffee.