March 17, 2011

The Dark Night

Yesterday/today was my first night shift.  11pm to 7:30 am.  There is actually a lot to do during the night shift.  There are still lots of meds to give, and assessments and interventions to do.  There's also a lot more paperwork.  Getting that done is not difficult, but it is time consuming.

Learning to prioritize is definitely something I see myself needing to work on.  My preceptor had me take all five patients this shift, and wow, it's a lot of work.  Prioritizing is so important to getting everything done in a timely manner.  Remember, meds first!  After getting report from the previous shift, it's already time to give meds.  You should give them from highest to lowest priority.

Working nights has thrown off my whole schedule, and planning around my shift to find the time to do things I need to get done, and to find some rest is difficult.  I'm making it through.

I'm doing a second shift tonight.  Hope I have the energy to keep going, like the engine that could.

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